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Education: Kaitlyn did her schooling from North York Board of Education and then attended college at York University in Psychology Kaitlyn Leeb Net Worth Kaitlyn Leeb's net worth is around $2 million U.S. dollars and her income is derived from her acting endorsements brand deals etc. Kaitlyns average monthly earnings range between $30000 and $42000 U.S. Dollars. Kaitlyn started her career as an actress and later has worked in the print and media industries. Instagram The Journey: Kaitlyn Leeb is an extremely well-known Instagram user, with more than 75k users. In her Instagram account, she shares photos from her day-to-day life and movie posters. Her Instagram account was created on August 7th 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb family Ted Leeb has been Kaitlyn Leeb's husband for more than an entire decade. The couple has two children Avery Elizabeth Leeb born in August 2016. Then in the year 2020 Presley Leeb would be Kaitlyn's second daughter.

Kayla Maisonet (born in the city of New York) is an American actor, who made headlines because of her character in the Disney television sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Her birthplace was in New York and moved to Los Angeles with her family so that she could pursue an acting career. She was always interested in becoming an actor and a television addict in her early years. She viewed a variety of Disney Channel programs and decided that she wanted to be an actor. She first began to act at school, and continued to do so through adulthood. She gained fame during her time in Los Angeles after performing Off-Broadway. The first time she appeared on screen with the 2012 Disney series Dog with a Blog where she was a key recurring role. The Haunted Hathaways was her next appearance. In 2016, she landed a career-defining role in The Disney sitcom Stuck in the Middle where she played Georgie Diaz. Kayla and the show itself, was extremely success. In recognition of her work in the Dog with a Blog series Kayla was awarded an award called the Young Artist Award.

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